Relocation with a Child

Relocation is a reality for many Central Florida families and families across the nation. With businesses taking on a more global approach, employees may be asked to move in order to keep their current jobs or to advance within their companies. As well, extended families are also spread out through the country. There are often times when being closer to extended family provides a benefit to the children. As difficult as relocation can be for a family, it can become even more complicated within the scope of a divorce or paternity action.
Florida’s Child Relocation Statute is very specific. If you are a parent attempting to relocate or a parent fighting the relocation of your child, it is of the utmost importance to be in timely compliance with the statute. A judge will have to consider all of the statutory factors when making a decision regarding relocation. Under Florida law, as in all matters relating to children, what is in the best interest of the child will be of primary consideration.
Your best resource for information regarding relocation is an experienced family law relocation attorney who understands the legal standard and has the experience and knowledge to present your relocation to the court. Mr. Luther has been representing clients in relocation and other family law matters since 1998. If you have a relocation issue and would like to schedule and initial consultation with Mr. Luther, please contact us immediately.

Wade P. Luther, PA is a law firm dedicated solely to the practice of family law. The results that you and your family achieve in a family law matter have a significant and long reaching impact on you and your children. As such it is important to have an experience and passionate attorney on your side. Mr. Luther will use his decades of family law experience to educate, inform and empower you to make the best decisions for your family and to obtain the best possible result.