A well-prepared Marital Settlement Agreement is a vital tool in protecting your financial assets as well as your rights after your divorce is finalized. You may have the misconception that a judge will decide how your property is divided or your time with the children will be shared. However, these terms are usually negotiated between the parties. An Orlando Divorce attorney knowledgeable in family law can guide you through the negotiating process to ensure your best interests.
There are important elements that should be included in every Marital Settlement Agreement (sometimes referred to as a Property Settlement Agreement.) When applicable, the amount and length of spousal support will be addressed. Another major consideration is the division of assets and property. Included will be any financial accounts, property owned by the parties, vehicles, as well as any marital debt. When there are children involved, a Parenting Plan will include custody, timesharing, support and all other issues involved in raising the minor children. The Agreement will also address how any future disputes between the parties will be resolved.
Because this written contract will be attached to and incorporated into the Final Divorce Decree, it’s imperative that you are certain your legal rights are protected now and in the future. If you would like guidance from an experienced Orlando Divorce Attorney in preparing this crucial document, please contact The Law Offices of Wade P. Luther, P.A. at (407) 835-9900 or visit