Guardian Ad Litem
In an action for dissolution of marriage or for the creation, approval, or modification of a parenting plan, if the court finds it is in the best interest of the child, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem to act as "next friend" of [...]
Can My Spouse Get My Retirement Savings in Our Divorce?
Many clients have concerns regarding their retirement savings and whether or not their spouse may receive any or all of that savings in their divorce. In Florida family law, all vested and nonvested benefits, rights and funds accrued dur [...]
Parent Coordinator
When parents in Orlando divorce proceedings are need of assistance in the resolution of disputes concerning their children, a parent coordinator may be appointed. The purpose of parenting coordination is to provide to the parents a metho [...]
Partition or the Sale of Property in Orlando Divorces
If you and your spouse own a home or property and are filing for an Orlando divorce, you may see a Count for Partition in your Petition or Counter-Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. Your experienced family law divorce attorney can hel [...]
Imputing Income in Orlando Child Support Matters
When calculating child support in an Orlando child support matter, Florida statutes state that, if the court finds that one parent is voluntarily unemployed or underemployed, income may be imputed, or attributed, to that parent. Accordin [...]
Legal Father v. Biological Father in Orlando Paternity Cases
In Florida, when a woman is married at the time of the conception and/or birth of a child, her husband is considered the legal father of the child. This is an important issue when a man fathers a child with a woman who is married to anot [...]
Orlando Divorce Petitions
You and your spouse have decided you must file for an Orlando divorce, or dissolution of marriage. However, you may not have decided on all the details of the issues involved in your divorce. Important decisions regarding your children, [...]
Where Should I File for Divorce?
Generally, Florida statutes tell us that actions shall be brought only in the county where the defendant resides, where the cause of action accrued, or where the property in litigation is located. However, venue in a divorce matter is de [...]
Serving a Petition in an Orlando Divorce or Orlando Paternity
Properly serving a petition in an Orlando Divorce or Orlando Paternity matter gives the court jurisdiction in the matter. Florida statutes say that service of original process is made by delivering a copy of it to the person to be served [...]
Children as Witnesses in Orlando Divorce Matters
Often clients want to know if their children may act as witnesses in their Orlando divorce. The Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure state that "no minor child shall be deposed or brought to a deposition, brought to court to appear as a [...]
Florida Residency and Divorce
When filing for divorce, at least one of the parties must have been a resident of the state of Florida for at least 6 months prior to the filing of the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. It is not necessary for both spouses to current [...]
Terminating Permanent Alimony
According to Florida statutes "an award of permanent alimony terminates upon the death of either party or upon the remarriage of the party receiving alimony. An award may be modified or terminated based upon a substantial change in circu [...]
Wade P. Luther, PA is a law firm dedicated solely to the practice of family law. The results that you and your family achieve in a family law matter have a significant and long reaching impact on you and your children. As such it is important to have an experience and passionate attorney on your side. Mr. Luther will use his decades of family law experience to educate, inform and empower you to make the best decisions for your family and to obtain the best possible result.