It may be a mistake to believe that a prenuptial agreement is only for the very wealthy. You may not feel you currently have a wealth of assets to protect. However, it can be advantageous to consider your future earnings and the growth potential of your assets when making the difficult choice of whether or not to enter into a prenuptial agreement.
If you feel at all concerned about your financial future as you prepare for married life, it is worth consulting with an experienced family law attorney. You should consider the career and earning potential of both you and your future spouse. Do either of you have children from a previous relationship? Perhaps one of you owns or has an interest in a business or professional practice. These are all issues to discuss with your lawyer.
If you have questions or concerns regarding whether or not a prenuptial agreement is the best way to protect your financial future, schedule an initial consultation with Attorney Wade P. Luther. Contact Family Law of Orlando by email or by calling (407) 835-9900.