Many clients in Orlando Paternity or Divorce matters feel overwhelmed by the amount of financial paperwork their experienced Family Law Attorney requests from them.  However, these requirements for Mandatory Disclosure in a Dissolution of Marriage or Paternity case are mandated by the Florida Supreme Court.  Although this process (called Discovery) can be burdensome, the requirements were established in order to provide both parties with a clear picture of the financial situation of the other party.  The more information you are able to obtain from the other party, the better you will be able to defend your position on issues such child support and alimony.

Your attorney will explain that, although you are only required to produce the documents that you have or can reasonably obtain, a judge may find you in contempt if you do not comply with the rules of discovery.  The time required for your lawyer to respond to a Motion for Contempt as well as the possibility of a monetary sanction can make it very expensive for a party to ignore the requirements of mandatory disclosure.

When you are faced with the requirements of a lawsuit in a Divorce or Paternity action, a knowledgeable, experienced Family Law Attorney is the best source of information.  At the Law Offices of Wade P. Luther, P.A., we will provide the guidance you need to navigate through the cumbersome process of Discovery.  To schedule an initial consultation with Mr. Luther, please email us or call our office at (407) 835-9900.