Having an experienced Orlando Divorce Attorney to assist you through a divorce can make a world of difference. With today’s economy, many attorneys who previously had no divorce or family law experience are taking those cases to try to supplement their revenues until the economy picks up.
Although a recommendation from a friend is often the best way to find a good attorney, that is sometimes hard to obtain. Most times, people do not really want to discuss their marital issues with too many people. If a personal recommendation for a divorce attorney is not available, then do some internet research.
When looking for a family law attorney, look to see how many practice areas that the attorney lists. Many times, the lawyer’s website will list practice areas such as: “personal injury”, “bankruptcy” “criminal law”, and then “family law” stuck at the bottom of the list. This may indicate a lack of dedication to family law and support the fact that they only take family law/divorce cases to fill the void of a slow month. Look for attorneys that dedicate their entire practice to the area of family law and divorce. Family law is actually a very complicated group of laws. As many people say: “Jack of all trades, master of none”.
There is really no area of law that is more important to the parties than family law. The outcome can have lasting effects throughout their lifetimes and those of the children. If you are facing a family law or divorce situation, take the time to research prospective Orlando Divorce Lawyers so that you find the best fit for you.
If you have questions regarding your family law issues, please contact The Law Offices of Wade P. Luther, P.A. at (407) 835-9900, or visit the website at www.FamilyLawofOrlando.com