Your spouse has filed for divorce, and you were served with an overwhelming amount of information. If you live in Orange, Osceola or Seminole County and have children, there is one document you’ll want to review carefully. Each of these counties has an Administrative Order that has been written to guide your behavior as you proceed through the divorce process.
This document has been developed to help reduce conflict among the parties in a Dissolution of Marriage or Paternity action and to help ensure that the best interest of your children is upheld. Simply put, it is a list of do’s and don’ts for each party. Some of the issues dealt with in an Administrative Order are contact between the children and both parents, relocation of the children, child support, conduct of the parties, parenting class requirements, communication between the parties, property, insurance and debt.
It is important to be aware of the requirements of the Administrative Order for your specific county as failure to abide by them can result in sanctions by the Court. An experienced Orlando family practice attorney can help you understand your rights and obligations as they pertain to the Administrative Order in your particular county. If you would like more detailed information on how these rules apply to your divorce or paternity action, please contact the Law Office of Wade P. Luther, P.A. or visit our website at